Hunger . Editor in Chief: RANKIN

Founded in 2011 by  photographer and Dazed and Confused co-founder Rankin, Hunger is a biannual style title with a focus on what is defining the moment that we live in. Be that through fashion, film, music, art or photography, Hunger has its finger firmly on the pulse of global culture. Working with a host of tastemakers in print and both online at Hunger TV our ethos is one of collaboration and Hunger is as much about championing up and coming talent as it is about showing a new side to famous faces that we know and love.

“We are excited by what excites you, and every time you turn a page of Hunger we aim to inspire.” Rankin is fast evolving and expanding, and have an extensive and active social media network to engage and interact with the readers.

Thinking across print and digital is the feature, this is an age of rapid change and Hunger team is ahead of the game.